Well, leaving for Fun Valley approximately 39 hours. Which would not be any huge deal except for the fact that I decided to COMPLETELY re-do the inside of my little camper. The whole deal, painted cabinets, put on new hardware, painted some old hardware, painted the table, made new curtains, and now all I have left is painting walls. The flooring people are coming Thursday morning, so I 've got until then to get it done. On top of all this, I picked up two new real estate clients at my open house Sunday! Exciting, busy times!
OK, so has anyone had to clean up poop on a little girl with tummy bug at 2:32 a.m.? Taylor had an upset tummy and didn't quite make it, BUT we have it all under control at this point. Nothing a hotwater load in the wash and a little clorox spray won't fix! I needed to do laundry for our outing this weekend anyway, right?? Besides all thought, caught a great episode of "It's Me or the Dog" and "How Clean is your House?" in the wee hours of the morning.
Peyton and Taylor spent the night last night and are spending the day with us today, woo hoo! They are all playing like little angels in the living room while watching Sponge Bob. Chase has outgrown Sponge Bob, so it has been nice to see him again. I forgot how dumb and funny he is at the same time. I will try to post while in the mountains if I can manage to get logged in from JW's laptop. Also going to post some pics of my newly updated 1972 Twinkle travel trailer. We had not hauled except for one time early last summer, so it was so dirty. I have had to pull everthing out and wash everything. Also had a lot of stuff I had put in when we first got it, thinking I would need and havent' touched. Now, you must understand, this is a 14 foot camper. It is little. We love it and it is perfect for us. When both of the beds are made out, you have nowhere to set anything, other than the kitchen counter top, which isn't much, and of course there is a little closet. I learned very quickly that you take the essentials and nothing else. Sunscreen, bugspray, flashlight, t.p., it is similar to tent camping, except about 10,000 times better. All the fun stuff of tent camping and then a little house to crawl into when you need to potty, wash hands, take a nap, or make a sandwich. I love to sit at the little table in the morning, brew some coffee in my tiny coffee pot, and THEN go out by the campfire. I am really looking forward to this trip because Rene and Shannon, Nicole, Tracy and Chris, and Carter, Grandma, Kim, Penny, Betsi and Kemp, I think, and of course JW, Chase and I are all going! Nothing like a good 'ol family campout. We tell many funny stories from Fun Valley, family campouts from the past. These also happen to be my favorite vacations to do a scrap layout on! We haven't taken a vacay with JW's fam in years and this will be the first ever with Tracy and Chris! More to come on the Steelman's Southeastern Colorado Excursion!!
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